
# End of 2019

I wanted to give you a quick overview of what is planned for this year and what is expected to come in the future.

# XM32

As you might already have heared from this page there will be a new firmware for the X32. Mixing Station is already compatible with the new firmware so you can directly go on and update as soon as the firmware will be released.

# SI

I finally found the root cause of the SI issues on iOS and could build a fix and workaround.

The new iOS version which fixes these issues is currently in review by apple, although I'm facing some review issues I hope to get the version live this week.

# Mixing Station PC

After my vacation I'll plan to release mixing station for pc. The purchase concept is similar to iOS with one single app and multiple licenses. Pricing is expected to be a bit higher than iOS since I had to invest a lot of time in providing the licensing, payment and update infrastructure.

# New features

The following features are planned for the near future:

# Customizable channel strip

You will be able to fully customize the order of the buttons, fader and sliders of the channel strip. Also it will be possible to show the gate / compressor diagram.

# Broader model support

Mid/Long term Mixing Station will continue to support more manufacturers and more mixers models.

# General support

I'll be on vacation the next three weeks but the dev-core mail address will be monitored and answered.

Please excuse any delays in the replies.

Mixing Station
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