
# Google Play policy changes

Due to policy changes from google play Mixing Station won't store settings in an easy accessible location anymore.

Google Play prevents access for apps to the sdcard / internal storage for apps starting November 2021 (There are certain exclusions but File Manager apps).

The following applies to all dedicated Mixing Station Android apps. It does not apply to the new "Mixing Station" app which supports all mixers.

In the current beta there is already a migration strategy in place. The app copies the existing settings from your internal storage "MixingStation" folder to an app private folder. Depending on your android version you can access this location under the following path: Internal/Android/data/com.davidgiga1993.*/files/MixingStation

In October 2021 I will remove support for the old location, so it's required for you to update to the next version until then, otherwise you'll have to manually copy the files, or your settings will be lost.

Mixing Station
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